
Showing posts from March, 2022

Guest Post: Michele Benyo from Good Grief Parenting

This Guest Post comes from Michele Benyo is a Certified Grief Recovery Specialist®, early childhood educator and parent coach, and the founder of Good Grief Parenting . I’m an educator at heart. I don’t say those words lightly. When I discover something that I enjoy I want to share my passion with others and lead them to look deeper—where the best pieces are—to discover things they may not see at first glance. Things they may not learn on their own, or from someone who doesn’t have the passion.  So when I became a mom, it wasn’t long before I knew I had to go back to the University to get my masters in Early Childhood Family Education and become a parent educator. I graduated two months before my second child was born, and a year later I began what to me was the best job in the world.  As an early childhood parent educator, I got to spend every day with parents—mostly moms and some dads—of children my children’s ages. I brought the information and resources on all topics regar...